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Caveman-level simple, Markdown-to-HTML static site tooling with minimal configuration.

Inspired by motherfuckingwebsite.com, uses Go Template and HTML under the hood.

✨ Features

👍 You might want to use this if:

🔑 Core Concepts

💻 Installation

rawdog-md is available on Windows, Linux and MacOS. You can install it via package managers, manually, or build it from source.


Install via PowerShell (Click to expand)
  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator
  2. Run this command
    1Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
    2iex (irm https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwiandhikaap/rawdog-md/main/.installer/powershell/install.ps1)
  3. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.
Install via Scoop
  1. Install Scoop
  2. Install rawdog-md
    1scoop install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwiandhikaap/rawdog-md/main/.installer/scoop/rawdog-md.json
  3. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.

How to uninstall:

1scoop uninstall rawdog-md
Install manually
  1. Go to the latest release page
  2. Download the one with rawd-{version}-windows-amd64.zip filename
  3. Extract the zip file anywhere you like
  4. Add the extracted folder to your PATH. If you don’t know how, check out this guide
  5. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.


Install via Bash (Click to expand)
  1. Run this command in your terminal
    1curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwiandhikaap/rawdog-md/main/.installer/bash/install.sh | bash
  2. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.
Install manually
  1. Go to the latest release page
  2. Copy the URL of the one with rawd-{version}-linux-{architecture}.tar.gz filename
  3. Run this command in your terminal
    1wget {copied-url} -O rawd.tar.gz
    2tar -xvf rawd.tar.gz
    3sudo mv rawd /usr/local/bin
    4rm rawd.tar.gz
  4. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.


Install via Bash (Click to expand)
  1. Run this command in your terminal
    1curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwiandhikaap/rawdog-md/main/.installer/bash/install.sh | bash
  2. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.
Install manually
  1. Go to the latest release page
  2. Copy the URL of the one with rawd-{version}-darwin-{architecture}.tar.gz filename
  3. Run this command in your terminal
    1wget {copied-url} -O rawd.tar.gz
    2tar -xvf rawd.tar.gz
    3sudo mv rawd /usr/local/bin
    4rm rawd.tar.gz
  4. Done! You can now use it as rawd command in your terminal.

Build from source

Build using Go (Click to expand)
  1. Install Go

  2. Install rawdog-md

    1go install github.com/dwiandhikaap/rawdog-md

    ⚠ This will install the binary as rawdog-md instead of rawd
    if you want to change it to rawd, you can rename the binary file in your Go bin directory.

    See this reference for more information about go install.

  3. Done!

🚀 Usage

  1. Create a new project and choose a preset template

    1rawd init

    It will ask you for the project name and the template you want to use.

  2. Then, go to the project directory

    1cd <your-project-name>
  3. Start the development server

    1rawd watch
  4. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000

  5. To create a new post, create a new file in the pages directory. You can use Markdown, Go Template, or HTML.

  6. To edit the template, go to the template directory.

  7. Each time you save your changes, the server will rebuild the site and refresh the browser.

  8. When you’re done, build the site

    1rawd build

🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.