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HFR-Resampler is a tool to resample high framerate video into lower framerate video with customizable weighting.


the examplethe example

yeah i know the difference between gaussian and pyramid is subtle, but it’ll become adjustable in the future

How to use

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract it
  3. Copy the video into the same folder
  4. Open your Command Line/Terminal on that directory, and then type resampler.exe -h to show the help, see more detailed explanation below.

Video Tutorial


You can use this program by running resampler.exe via terminal or cmd. Then, you can use the available arguments to customize the resampling process.

Required Arguments

Optional Arguments

Blend Mode
Blend Mode can be specified using keywords below. (case-insensitive)

Example : -m equal , -m custom_WeIghT

Output Filename Format
You should use video file format / video container that supports the codec you are using for the resampling process. For example, if you use FFV1 codec, you may want to use .mkv file format.

resampler.exe -i input.mp4 -o input_resampled.mkv -fps 60 -m 6 -r 2.0 -res 1920x1080
Will use “input.mp4” as input, and will output “input_resampled.mkv” on 1920x1080 resolution on 60 FPS. Which used my own Weighting Preset as the Weighting Method, and resampled on 2.0 blend range.
